TB-S40 Ceramic Mixing Valve

TB-S40 Ceramic Mixing Valve

For a quality shower with total flow control, the TBS-40 ceramic mixing valve is the ideal choice. Pair this valve with either the 205 or 215 control set for a modern, clean look.

Topliss designed and manufactured with new generation European precision ground ceramics, the Topliss ceramic mixer is today’s top choice for a quality shower. Designed to maximise equal-medium and equal-high pressure water systems, Topliss ceramic mixing valves offer the advantage of high performance ceramic disc seals with total flow control from the handle.

Product TestingEvery Topliss mixing valve is tested, by hand, in our Nelson factory. You can rest assured that when one of our valves leaves the factory, someone has taken the time and trouble to test it’s water integrity.
Ceramic Control Rangeceramic valve top

Product Features

  • Hot forged DR brass body ensures a longer life
  • Adjustable temperature limiting ring helps prevent accidental scalding
  • Adjustable maximum flow limiter helps save water and energy
  • Non-protruding control lever gives you a safer shower
  • Excellent performance with 55deg C tempered hot water systems
  • Tamper resistant design to prevent wilful damage in public installations
  • Retrofit kit available for easy upgrade from existing Topliss piping (AD-S40 Inlet Kit)
  • Front loading mechanism for easy servicing.


Order Code

Ceramic Mixing Valve TB-S40
Inlet adapter kit to fit standard plumbing AD-S40

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